Cash register, Item Packs

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Help for the use of cash register

This help will guide you through the setup and usage of our point of sale cash register software.

Packs of items

Packs allow you to market sets of items grouped together. This could be a basket containing different items, or an item sold in a set.
For example, a “Discovery basket”, with a reduction of 1 euro compared to the value of the items in the basket, or it could be a shampoo benefiting from a “Buy one, second at -50%” offer.

The option can be enabled in Setup, General options, Items catalogue options. When enabled, a new entry will be visible in the Setup page.
Premium licence is required to use this option, because it is quite expensive in terms of server load.
Pack of items feature will let you setup packs that can contain a list of items, discounts or supplements.
Those packs will be presented in a separate department called Packs, and can be associated with barcodes.
When you will add a pack to the order, this will be the same as adding all the items contained in the pack separately.

You can also activate the "Enable automatic pack detection" option on the Configuration page, General options, "Item catalog options" paragraph.
When this option is activated, it will be possible on the pack configuration page to choose whether a pack will be applied automatically or not.
If you choose to automatically apply that pack, the software will detect if you are adding the items in the pack separately, and will automatically group those items into a pack, applying the discounts configured for the pack.
This allows you, for example, to detect "if two shampoos are added to the order, automatically apply the pack "1 purchased, the second at -50%-", without needing to put a new barcode on the packaging surrounding the two items together.
If several packs can automatically be made from identical items, the software will use the order in which your packs are saved, and will give preference to the first valid one.
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