Billing software, Managing VAT rates

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Help for the use of cash register

This help will guide you through the setup and usage of our point of sale cash register software.

Setting up VATs

To do this, you must have administrator rights.
To access the VAT Configuration, navigate to the "Setup" menu and then on "VAT"

Adding a new VAT rate

To add a new rate of VAT to the list, click on the "Add" button at the top of the picture.
Then fill in the fields offered in the window that appears.

Modifying an existing VAT

To edit an existing VAT rate, double click the field you want to edit.
When your changes are complete, press Enter to confirm the entry.
The changes are saved for each field change.

Meaning of the different fields

- Name : The name of the VAT as displayed on the receipt and on the keyboard
- Value : The value of tax rate

VAT margin schemes

VAT margin schemes tax the difference between what you paid for an item and what you sold it for, rather than the full selling price. You pay VAT at 16.67% (one-sixth) on the difference.
You can choose to use a margin scheme when you sell:
- second-hand goods
- works of art
- antiques
- collectors’ items
In order to use VAT margin schemes, you need to enable Buying prices feature.
Then you need to add a new VAT and choose the type "VAR margin scheme" for this new VAT.
Please don't forget to type in legal mentions for that VAT.
If the buying price is greater that the selling price, no VAT is applied for the item.

Exonération TVA intracommunautaire

En activant cette option, la facture sera comptabilisée en Hors Taxes, lorsque la commande sera livrée à destination d'un client professionnel à l'export international.
Le pays du client doit être renseigné, et différent du pays de votre établissement, que le client dispose soit d'un numéro de TVA, soit d'un numéro de RC.
Conformément à l'article Article 262 ter du code général des impôts :
Les livraisons de biens expédiés ou transportés sur le territoire d'un autre Etat membre de la Communauté européenne à destination d'un autre assujetti ou d'une personne morale non assujettie.

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