Cash register system, Discount/Supplements/automatic items

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Help for the use of cash register

This help will guide you through the setup and usage of our point of sale cash register software.

Automatic discounts/supplements/items

At first you need to enable the feature in the Setup, General options, Loyalty page of the software.
Then you can set up a list of automatic items/discounts/supplements that will be automatically added at the end of an order if it meets some requirements.
For example : add delevery fees to a delivered order, or a discount for for particular group of clients, or a supplement for specific tables in the restaurant, etc.
Available conditions for setting up automatic items are :
- Delivery method
- Client groups
- Number of ordered items
- Eat in table
- Day of week
- Initial price of items
- Persons on a table
- Operating Point of sale.
- Minimum hour of the day
- Maximum hour of the day
You can add several conditions to an automatic action. All the conditions will have to be satisfied for the automatic action to occur.
It is possible to select for a single automatic action one discount/supplement and one item.
The item will be added automatically at the end of the order, and will eventually generate VAT, stock mouvement at validation, if the requirements are satisfied.
The discount will be added after the automatic item, as a subtotal.
Nb : Discount cannot be a Menu type discount.
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