Cash terminal, Make a refund

Help for the use of cash register

Make a refund

To make a refund, you must have administrator or manager rights.

Simple refund

In order to do a simple refund of a known amount, enter the amount of the refund on the numeric keypad, then select a method of payment for refund.
The amount refunded will be displayed in red on the receipt and a sale of negative value is recorded for the current day.

Refund of registered items

To refund a registered item, optionally select the department, then select the desired item.
To finish entering items refunded, enter a refund method with the payment type block of the keyboard.

Proceed to the complete refund of an order

In order to refund an order, you first have to load it from HISTORY page.
Then choose on the keyboard the refund method you like (credit card, cash, ...).
A new order is created at current time, containing all the items from the former order, but with a negative amount.

Proceed to the partial refund of an order

In order to refund an order, you first have to load it from HISTORY page.
The select on the receipt the items you want to refund.
Then choose on the keyboard the refund method you like (credit card, cash, ...).
A new order is created at current time, containing the items you selected from the former order, but with a negative amount.

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