Cash register system, Menu management

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Help for the use of cash register

This help will guide you through the setup and usage of our point of sale cash register software.

Menus management

Menu management allows you to assign a fixed price to a set of items belonging to departments.
A menu is made up of several items belonging to particular departments.
You can give a title and a price to your menu, then select the sections of the items that will make up your menu.
For example: the Formula menu could be composed of an item belonging to the "Starters" section and an item belonging to the "Dishes" section.
Once your menu is configured, the software will detect on the receipt whether items can be grouped within a menu, and will apply the prices of the different menus.
The order in which you sort your menus will be used in the search order of the applied menus (if two menus can be applied to a command, the software will prefer the one positioned first on the configuration page).
Des boutons de menus seront aussi présents dans l'interface. Lorsqu'un bouton de menu sera actionné, le logiciel demandera alors de choisir successivement les différents éléments constituants d'un menu. La liste des menus peut s'apppeler également avec le raccourci clavier : $7

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