Cash management, White mark

Help for the use of cash register

White label

If you want to resale our point of sale solution, it is possible to use the White label feature available in the software.
The way it works is you have to create an account for your client, and then set up in the account that this account is a white label account. You can then sale this account to your user, and you pay us the cost a a licence.
You have to set up the software for your client, and you will receive the emails when they use the contact form, you also have to choose an url in order to access the software.
If your client is using one of the app (phone or tablets), you can lock the app to a shop account so that he can only access the shop account you set up for him.
To configure the domain for the brand, you must configure the DNS entries for the domain name you have chosen to access the cash register for your customer.
You must register a CNAME entry at the root of your domain and on www.yourdomain.ext
These CNAME entries must have the value:
Then, you must enter your domain name in the store's configuration page, in the "White label" tab.
You can subscribe for your client to the plan of your choice, you invoice your client the price you want.
The customer then accesses his checkout by entering the domain name you have chosen for his access.
It is not essential to have a domain name: you can also choose any domain name that ends in (for example and in this case all you have to do is choose the desired address in the White label configuration page and the DNS is automatically configured. In white labeling, it's up to you to invoice your customers. You must therefore have a business or micro-enterprise. You can charge your customers in the way you prefer: It's up to you to choose how your customers will pay you. You can charge for installation, deployment, any training you may provide, technical support, etc. For each client, you are responsible for creating their account, indicating that it is a white label account, and creating accounts for your client (at least one Admin account). Your user account on their store account allows you to pay invoices, and configure the “White label” functionality. You can give it a try by creating a new test account and then white labeling it. In the white label settings, you must select the user who will have access to the white label settings (you).

From help Cash terminal android